Why Drive an EV?

03/15/2024 / Gail Alfar

A Comprehensive Overview

As the world shifts towards a more sustainable future, EVs are becoming more popular. In this article, we'll explore the many reasons why driving an EV makes sense. We'll also explore why it's not just a trend, but a smart and responsible decision for the planet and your wallet.

Cost Savings

One of the most significant advantages of driving an EV is cost savings. With lower maintenance costs and low charging costs, EV owners can save thousands of dollars over a decade compared to traditional gas-powered vehicles. 

As an example, I was just talking with my son, who is ready to buy his first car. “Buying a Tesla makes sense. Over the next 10 years, I’ll save at least 10k on repair and gasoline costs. I think I’ll get a Model 3.” 

Low maintenance costs and charging costs are two of the main reasons people buy an EV. My son told me, “It just makes sense." 


The days of worrying about "freedom to roam" are behind us. Tesla has made it easy for EV drivers to travel with their Supercharger network. This can be accessed by other EVs with an adapter. 

Supercharger stations are faster and easier than building a gas station. Tesla is expanding their network to make it even more convenient for EV owners.

Tesla has solved this problem by installing Superchargers across the USA which can be accessed by another EVs with an adapter. In fact, Tesla invites owners to “Go Anywhere!

But what if there is no Tesla Supercharger near you? I used a Blink charger on my recent trip to Eagle Pass, Texas. Currently, Eagle Pass has no Tesla chargers. Blink is just one of many charging options, along with Chargepoint, Electrify America, EVgo, Plugshare, ChargeHub, EV Connect, and FLO. 

Zero Emissions - Lives Saved

Perhaps the most compelling reason to drive an EV is its environmental impact. EVs produce zero emissions, which saves lives by reducing air pollution and the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning.

In February 2023, a family of eight in Austin fled their car to stay warm. The only problem was that their car was running inside their closed garage. They could have all died from CO2 exposure. Two of the patients were airlifted to the University Hospital in San Antonio because they had serious carbon monoxide symptoms requiring hyperbaric oxygen treatment. This tragic event could have been avoided if they had driven an EV.

Zero emissions are not just a concept for hippy “Tree Huggers,” it’s for all people. When I wait in my garage inside my Tesla, I never have to worry about CO2 poisoning. 

One day, people living in apartments right next to the freeway won’t have to worry about health problems. EVs have zero emissions!

Efficiency Comparison: Electric vs.Gasoline Vehicles

Gasoline cars waste a lot of energy while electric cars are more efficient. In gasoline cars, a lot of the fuel is burned without actually moving the car, which means more than two-thirds of the energy is lost. On the other hand, electric cars use almost all of their energy to move the car, making them much more efficient.

Additionally, electric cars don't need as much maintenance as gas-powered cars. You don't have to worry about oil changes, air filters, or fuel filters. This makes electric cars more cost-effective in the long run.

When you consider efficiency and lower maintenance costs, it's like getting three electric cars for the price of one gas car in terms of energy use. Electric cars are a more environmentally friendly and cost-effective choice.

In conclusion, the reasons to drive an EV are clear: it's good for the environment, it saves money, it's convenient, and it's a blast to drive. So, what are you waiting for? Get out there and drive electric! Xcelerate can help you find the right lease or loan to fit your needs!

My thoughts on “Why Drive an EV?”

If I flip this question the other way and ask “Why drive a gasoline car?” I would have to be very creative to come up with an answer. A gas car might make sense to me if the price of electricity was so high that it would cost me a lot more to charge an EV than to fill up a combustion car with gas, but the opposite is true. Gas costs more than electricity to charge a car. 

I switched to EVs in 2020 and would never return to gasoline. Powering my EV has saved me a lot of money and time.